2024 NCRW in Photos
- NCRW Moderator Shannon Williams (NNTC), highlights Pre-confederation Claims issues from Eastern Canada, with Speakers Chief Patricia Bernard, and Elder Calvin White and Kim Long.
- NCRW delegates tour LAC's Gatineau Preservation Campus
- An opportunity to ask questions during a fire-side chat session with Morgan Chapman, Havlik Consulting Group, NCRW Planning Committee Member; Shannon Williams, Nlaka’pamux Nation Tribal Council; Judy Wilson, NCRW Moderator.
- Presenting on Settled Claims - Redress, Implementation, and UNDRIP. Kukpi7 (Chief) Fred Robbins, Esk’etemc First Nation; Senkukpi7 (Hereditary Chief) Irvine Johnson, Esk’etemc First Nation.
- Panel on Indigenous Laws and Research. Shown L to R are Stephen Augustine, Hereditary Chief and Keptin, Mi’kmaq Grand Council, and member of the AFN Council of Experts on Indigenous Laws (CEIL); Alexa Heenan, Havlik Consulting Group; Mercedes Peters, Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre.
- Panel on Claims Reform. Panelists (from L to R) Jody Woods, UBCIC; Chief Dalton Silver, Sumas First Nation, and Chair of the BC Specific Claims Working Group; Joanna Reid, UBCIC; Jesse Donovan, AFN; Tonio Sadik, AFN; Stephen Matiation, SCB; Luke Hunter, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Ontario; Francois Routhier, SCB; Branden Trochymchuk, AFN.
- Stephen Augustine, Hereditary Chief and Keptin, Mi’kmaq Grand Council, and member of the AFN Council of Experts on Indigenous Laws (CEIL) speaking to attendees on Indigenous Laws and Research
- Audience at the 2024 NCRW. Photo courtesy of Larry Morrison.
- Algonquin Nation Secretariat researcher, Steve Moray, speaks about access to information challenges. Photo Courtesy of Larry Morrison.
- While touring the Library and Archives Canada Preservation Centre in Gatineau, QC, NCRW attendees spotted the multiple-legged dog - a holdover of the issues with photography in the early-to-mid 1900's. Photo Courtesy of Larry Morrison.
- Panelists speak on the importance of equitable application of standards at the Specific Claims Tribunal.
- Zooming into the 2024 NCRW to speak on issues of importance to the Specific Claims Research community.
- Panelists even joined by Zoom!