2022 Agenda

The NCRW Planning Committee and our host, the Algonquin Nation Secretariat, are pleased to release the Agenda online below.

Please note, the agenda is subject to change.

The Planning Committee will upload presentations/handouts for each session as they are received.

Monday, October 17 5-7 pm: Conference Pre-Registration, Penthouse Floor

October 18 (Day 1) – Reconnecting to the Records

8:30 am-9:00 am

Conference Registration & Breakfast

9:00 am – 9:30 am

ANS Showcase Day 1

Opening Ceremonies & Welcome

Wild Basket – Tara Dantouze, Lindsay McLaren-Polson & Annaleigh Males

9:30 am-10:30 am

Museum & Archives – Record Access

Moderator: Morgan Chapman

  1. LAC Access Updates – Johanna Smith, Director General of Outreach and Engagement Branch at Library and Archives Canada
    • LAC Gatineau 2 Move update
    • New MyAccount Features
    • LAC ATIP update
    • Canadiana Introductions and quick update
  2. CRU Working Group – Overview of Challenges with Informal Process – Morgan Chapman, CRU Working Group member
  3. CIRNAC/LAC – user level ‘how to access’ and overview of Informal Access (PDK) Process – Tammy Martin, Director, Access to Information, Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (English)(French)

10:30 am-10:45 am


10:45 am-12:00 pm

Digital and Community-based Records and Document Management

Moderator: Tyler Sack 

  1. From the Ground Up: Creating a Community Archives – Gwen Phillips – VIRTUAL 
  2. Indigenous Access vs. Data Sovereignty – Denée Renouf, Archives Manager Treaty 8 Tribal Association
  3. Overview of ANS Document Management System – Alison McBride, Research Director Algonquin Nation Secretariat

12:00 pm-12:45 pm


12:45 pm-2:00 pm

Expanding Claims: Re-Examining Historical Losses Through Women’s Knowledge

Moderator: Rachel Singleton-Polster

  1. Colonial gender bias and the Impact on reserve creation and specific claims – Dr. Sarah Hunt / Tłaliłila’ogwa, Assistant Professor & Canada Research Chair, Indigenous Political Ecology, Environmental Studies. University of Victoria
  2. Community Example – Cowichan Tribes Camus Fields – Dianne Hinkley, Cowichan Tribes
  3. Indigenous Forest Garden Ecosystems – Undervalued Womens Resources – Dr. Chelsey Armstrong – SFU Indigenous Studies

2:30 pm-2:45 pm


3:30 pm-5:00 pm

Activity 1

Canadian Museum of History (Gatineau)

Experience a guided tour of the collections store room, conservation room and indigenous internship program

6:00 pm-8:30 pm (Food & Drink Available)

Room closes at 9:30 pm

Meet n’ greet

Come and reconnect with Claims technicians from across Canada in the penthouse, with scenic views of the Ottawa River and downtown Ottawa.

*Food and non-alcoholic drinks provided. Cash bar available. 

October 19 (Day 2) – Reconnecting to the Process

8:30 am-9:00 am

Conference Registration & Breakfast

9:00 am-9:30 am

ANS Showcase day 2Wolf Lake First Nations Community Video Projects – Chief Lisa Robinson

10:15 am-10:30 am


10:30 am-12:15 pm

Access to Information & Privacy Act Modernization Efforts

Moderator: Cheyenne Smith

  1. Overview of Access to Information Act review engagement Executive Director Charles Taillefer, Treasury Board Secretariat (English)(French)
  2. Overview of Privacy Act Modernization – Carolina Mingarelli, Director and General Counsel, & Jennifer Seligy, Senior Counsel, Centre for Information and Privacy Law, Justice Canada (English)(French)
  3. Findings National Claims Research Directors Engagement and Submission – Rachel Singleton-Polster, independent contractor

12:15 pm-1:00 pm


1:00 pm-2:30 pm

After the Claim: Connecting Documents, Evidence and Communities

Moderator:  Morgan Chapman

  1. Giving back to the communities – Denis Brassard
  2. What Happens After?  Succession Planning and Data Memory– Peter DiGangi, Sicani Research and Advisory Services

2:30 pm-2:45 pm


2:45 pm-3:30 pm

Specific Claim Tribunal Updates and Engagement Tribunal Operations

Moderator: Jody Woods

  1. The Honourable Victoria Chiappetta – Chairperson- Specific Claims Tribunal – VIRTUAL
  2. Orlando De Silva – Chief Administrator – Administrative Tribunals Support Services of Canada INVITED – declined (BCSCWG Letter)

6:00 pm-9:00 pm

Group dinner – Mill Street Brew Pub

555 Wellington St., Ottaw

October 20 (Day 3) – Reconnecting to the People

8:30-9:00 am

Conference Registration & Breakfast

9:00 am-9:30 am

ANS Showcase Day 3

Mitchikanibibkok Inik – Barriere Lake

Chief Tony Wawatie

9:30 am-10:45 am

Facilitated Discussion & Presentations

This panel will include short updates and facilitated discussion amongst participants on emerging issues.

Is this an Issue?

Moderator: Morgan Chapman

  1. 1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back: A Report from the Negotiations Table – Cheyenne Smith, Havlik Consulting Group
  2. CPR Pilot – update and lessons learned – Shannon Williams, Legal and Research Director, Nlaka’pamux Nation Tribal Council
  3. On our Radar – share our experiences
    • Mediation and Water Rights
    • The Human and Community costs of Unresolved Specific Claims
    • Land back / large value claims – Kukpi7 Judy Wilson

10:45 am-11:00 am


12:00 pm-1:00 pm


2:00 pm-3:00 pm

Updates from CIRNAC

Moderator: Morgan Chapman

  1. Updates from the Specific Claims Branch (SCB) – Stefan Matiation, Director General, Specific Claims Branch (English)(French)
  2. Updates from Negotiations Support Directorate (NSD) – Francine Martel, Director, Negotiations Support Directorate (English)(French)

3:00-3:15 pm


3:15 pm

Research Directors Meeting (Brief)